Linklint - Examples
Version 2.3.5 August 13, 2001

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Local Site Check

Checks links on your site locally, looking for files on the local file system.

Command line: linklint /#

Parameters: read more command line parameters from this file.
/# only check top level files (don't check links in files in subdirectories).

Inputs & Outputs: The input file which contains the rest of the command line parameters.
log.txt What gets printed to the screen when Linklint is running.
index.html Index of output files in the -doc directory.

HTTP Site Check

Checks links on your site via the HTTP protocol like a browser.

Command line: linklint

Parameters: read more command line parameters from this file.

Inputs & outputs: The input file which contains the rest of the command line parameters.
log.txt What gets printed to the screen when Linklint is running.
index.html Index of output files in the -doc directory.

Remote URL Check

Checks existence (and modification) of remote http links. Here we demonstrate how to do a check of remote URLs after a site check has been completed.

Command line: linklint @@ -doc www/examples/remote -db9

@@ use the remoteX.txt file from the -doc directory to get list of remote URLs.
-doc use the same -doc as in previous example.
-db9 generate random HTTP errors when checking.
(makes the output more interesting and prevents repeatedly hitting my remote links.)

urllog.txt What gets printed to the screen as Linklint is running.
urlindex.html Summary of output files created when doing remote URL checking.

Checked by Linklint
© Copyright 1997 - 2001 James B. Bowlin